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Fly Rugs

Fly rugs and masks provide protection from biting flies and insects. They allow your horse to graze in comfort without the frustration of annoying pests. They also help avoid infections and diseases caused by these pests. Flies can also be a distraction and irritation for your horse. Keep them away with our fly sheets and masks so that your horse is always happy and comfortable. Combine these protective options with our fly repellents range to maintain optimal health and keep pests away. Insect control is part of horse first aid and eliminating pests will keep your horse healthy. They can prevent infection and disease that insects can cause.

After Dark BrownAfter Dark Brown
Black/Ashen ClayBlack/Ashen Clay
Reflecting Pond Blue/Scarlett SageReflecting Pond Blue/Scarlett Sage
AED 130
AED 245

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